From the Indian tradition of Classical Yoga, inspired by the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli alongside a modern understanding of the body, I teach Yoga and Movement.
I trained at Natural Bodies in Brighton in 2002 with Gary Carter and many of Vanda Scaravelli’s first teachers, with John Stirk, T K V Desikachar and in India. I continue to be curious and feel inspired with my practice.
I trained in Somatic Movement Education with the School for Body-Mind Centering® in UK, GbR and in Italy. As a Somatic Movement Educator my works offers an integrated and embodied approach to Yoga, Breathing, Movement, Dance, the Body and Consciousness - quite simply this helps you feel your aliveness!
Somatic Education offers a way to learn about ourselves from within, enriching how we sense, how we feel, and how we relate to ourselves, to others and how we relate to the world.
My teaching is also influenced and inspired by my background in martial arts and bodywork and my enduring love of dance.
Scaravelli Inspired Yoga is an enriching practice that improves strength, flexibility and vitality, and gives a positive body presence. It enables us to breathe and move more efficiently and with greater ease, and to think more clearly ...... all supporting a 'freedom of just being'.
Taking time to experience classical Yoga Asanas (postures), being attentive to our breath and finding rest from the ground, gives us an awareness of our spine, our centre and our connection to it…..our inner experience alongside the outer expression and posture.
We ‘undo’ any tension in the body rather than forcing the body into a shape. This ‘undoing’ rather than 'doing’ approach that Vanda Scaravelli wished to be simple - can also be exploratory, deeply engaging and at times playful. The beauty and simplicity yet effectiveness of this approach makes it accessible to ‘any body’.
![Bonnie’s words](https://janemanze.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Bonnies-words.jpg)
Somatic Movement Education (Somatic literally means relating to the body, as distinct from the mind) is the experiential 'study' of the body from the personal perspective. This 'study' combines guided and intuitive movement exploration using BMC® principles, maps of our body systems, alongside traditional anatomical and physiological knowledge. Together these enable us to develop our felt-sense - where our body cells and tissues inform our brain. This awareness directly from our tissues, bones, muscles, ligaments, organs etc, offers a richer sense of being. And quite simply our being can experience and enjoy new possibilities of efficiency, strength, flexibility, fluidity and awareness in any movement practice and in life. I bring Somatic Education to workshops and weekly classes using Body-Mind Centering® principles.
“A life-enhancing practise , Yoga is an ever inspiring awakening of our inner awareness and physicality. We are reminded of our body-mind-spirit connection and the joy and beauty of being alive”