

From a classical dance background I explored contemporary, and African dance. It was my love of Egyptian rhythm and traditional music that led me to train with Suraya Hilal, as a licensed teacher of the Hilal Foundation, and spend time in Egypt.

Affiliated to Tanz Raum, I teach and perform in UK and abroad.


From an integrated holistic body awareness - we connect to the traditional and contemporary music of Egypt with rhythmic, dynamic, fluid and graceful and sensuous dance, movement and expression. Classes are suitable for women of all ages and abilities.

Thursdays 7-8.30pm

St Michael's Church Hall, High Street, Lewes BN7 1XN

For further information and to book please contact me.

Next course starts 26 September 2024 - please call me to register

“Feet stepping to the earth’s heartbeat

Body whirling, turning the rotations of planets

Stars reflecting in her eyes

The dancer opens her lyrical arms and enfolds the universe”

Anon - translated from Arabic


Zar and Sufi Movement into Dance

From silence and stillness, carried by Zar and Sufi rhythm into trance movement and abandon.

Please contact me for further details and next session date.

Friday 7.30-9.15pm
St Michaels Hall
Lewes BN7 1YR

For further information and to book please contact me.